In Australia we really have been blessed with all the pleasures of life, yet so many of us struggle to find LASTING JOY that satisfies our deepest longings. We have a sense that there is more to life, more JOY to be had, but when we seek that JOY in the pleasures of this world we end up feeling disappointed and discontent. 

The Famous 20th Century author, C.S. Lewis wrote this about FINDING JOY… 

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” (Mere Christianity, 1943) 

As Lewis searched for LASTING JOY and deep satisfaction in this life he came to the conclusion that we were made for more than what this world offers. Lewis discovered that we were made for eternity, created to FIND JOY in the things that last forever, and the way to grasp hold of this ETERNAL JOY was to accept a relationship with JESUS. 

I invite you to join us this May for our FINDING JOY series of talks, as we explore together what REAL JOY is all about and how that JOY is available to anyone who puts their trust in Jesus. 

Rev. Sturt Young 

 Pastor  – St James Turramurra